Kevin Rodrigues
2 min readJun 14, 2022

Why do some people appear to get so much more done than others if everyone has the same daily hours?

How do they accomplish more, earn more, and have more?

The explanation is that their approach is about getting to the core of the matter.

These people concentrate on most important tasks. When you want the highest chance of excelling at something, the ideal strategy is to keep it simple.

“Being simple” means avoid everything you COULD do and focusing on what you MUST do.

It’s recognizing that not everything is equally important and discovering the most important things.

It’s connecting more vigorously what you do with what you want.

They understand that extraordinary results are directly determined by how specific you can make your focus.

The way to get the best out of your work and life is to be as simple as possible. Most people think just the opposite of that.

They think grand success is time-consuming and complicated. As a result, your calendars and to-do lists end up cramped and overwhelming.

When success seems out of reach, they settle for less. Not knowing that the tremendous success comes from doing few things the best they can, they get lost in trying to do too much and, in the end, accomplish too little.

Over time, they lower their expectations, let go of their dreams, and allow their lives to become straightforward.

That’s the wrong way to be simple.

You have a limited time and energy, so when you spread out you attention, your energy also end up too spread out.

You want your tasks to disappear, but that takes subtraction, not addition.

You have to do fewer things for more effect rather than doing more things with side effects.

The problem with trying to do too much is that even if it works, adding more to your work and life without cutting anything brings many problems: missed deadlines, disappointing results, much stress, boredom, less sleep, poor diet, no exercise, and the loss of time with family and friends — all in the name of chasing after something easier to achieve than you might think.

Being simple is an easy path to follow in search of extraordinary results, and it works.

It works all the time, anywhere and with anything.

Why? Because it has only one purpose: to take you straight to your goal.

You focus on one thing when you keep everything as simple as possible. And that’s the idea.

